Sweetwater Public Dashboard List

Sweetwater Public Dashboard List

(Aggregate Level Data for Public Use)

Below is a list of all dashboards produced by the Data Insights Team at Research, Assessment & Evaluation. All dashboards include several years of data with aggregate level visualizations. Each dashboard can be sorted by district and school level views with filters on subgroups ranging from gender, ethnicity, fluency status, and more.  Click on any of the links below for more information and access to the dashboards.

Note: When there is a total of 10 or fewer students in a particular student group, no summary data is provided in order to protect student confidentiality.​

AP Exams(Grades 9-12)  Data shown indicates the number of students who take and pass the Advanced Placement (AP) exams.  The database is searchable by exam type.
Chronic Absenteeism(Grades 7-12) Data shown is based partially on the performance on the California Dashboard.  The Dashboard only includes the chronic absentee rate for grades 7 and 8. We have also included the chronic absentee rate for grades 9-12.  Chronic Absenteeism is calculated based on students who are absent at least 10% of the days they are enrolled.
College Career Indicator(Grade 12) Data shown is based on the performance on the California Dashboard.  This indicator shows the percentage of students who are considered prepared for post graduation success based on meeting any one of a number of criteria.  A summary of those metrics can be found here.
ELPAC Performance(Grades 7-12)  All English Learns take the English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC) annually to determine their level of English fluency.  The data is reported for both the overall proficiency and performance across the four domains of language, which are listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Enrollment(Grades 7-12) Data shown is based on the information submitted by local educational agencies (LEAs) to the California Department of Education (CDE) as part of annual Fall 1 data submission in the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS).  The Dashboard only includes primary enrollment. The enrollment data can be viewed by gender, grade level, English proficiency, ethnicity, socioeconomic disadvantage status and student with disabilities.
Grades (D and F Rate)(Grades 7-12)  Data shown is the percentage of students who received a D or F in select courses.  The visualization defaults to Core courses (Math, English, Social Science, and Science), however filters allow viewers to analyze D and F rates in other courses.
Graduation Rate(Grade 12) Data shown is based on the performance on the California Dashboard. The graduation rate shown is based on the 4 year Adjusted Cohort.  A detailed description of that methodology can be found here.
PSAT/SAT Participation(Grades 10 -12) Data shown reflects the percentage of students who have participated in these aptitude tests that are used to indicate college readiness.  The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) is a tool to help students demonstrate readiness for Advanced Placement courses and as a preparation for the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), which is still a requirement for most university applications.
SBAC Distance from StandardGrades 7, 8, and 11)  Data shown here is from the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Distance from Standards results, which measures how far away a student’s score is from the score needed to meet standards for grade level.  These data are reported for both English Language Arts and Mathematics.
Suspension Rate(Grades 7-12)  Data shown is the percentage of students who were suspended.  The suspended students data can be viewed by gender, grade level, English proficiency, ethnicity, socioeconomic disadvantage status and student with disabilities